Social Prescribing




Social prescribing is when patients are referred to support in the community, in order to improve their health and wellbeing. Patients are connected to community groups and statutory services for practical and emotional support.

This service can help patients if:

  • They need linking to support for mental and physical health issues, such as smoking cessation and healthy eating
  • They are feeling isolated and want assistance in becoming more involved in your community
  • They are struggling with work, housing or money worries

A Social Prescribing Link Worker will work with you to:

  • Identify what’s matters to you and to create a plan to move forward
  • Give you the time and confidence to work on underlying issues that affect your health and wellbeing
  • Connect you to organisations and sources of support in the community and refer you to other organisations where appropriate

The social prescribing is an all age service with children and young people being referred to our CYP Social Prescribing service which is named the The Self Service.


Care Coordinators

Care Coordinators connect patients with the help, care and support they need to manage their long term conditions and to make decisions about their own care.

This service can help patients if they are:

  • Over 18
  • Need help finding their way around different health, social care and support services
  • Have one or more long term conditions (e.g. diabetes, asthma, COPD, CVD, dementia, chronic pain)

A care coordinator can work with you to create a care and support plan that is centred around what matters to you. Work closely with your care givers and the important people in your life to make sure you receive the best possible care. Support you in navigating the health system and accessing local support and services.


Connecting with the Team

Referrals to the team can come through the GP, nursing or admin team as well as via community groups, statutory services and, most importantly, self-referral.

A referral to this service is entirely voluntary. Nobody is obliged to use the service and we welcome all patients who need support who are engaged and happy to work with us

We are unable to support people if they:

  • Are unable or unwilling to consent
  • Are currently experiencing crisis
  • Have a serious mental health diagnosis that is currently unstable. We are happy to accept referrals from patients with a serious mental health diagnosis which is well managed.
  • Require personal care - this is not something that we are able to provide, however we can signpost the services that may be able to help

The team work across Bridport, Beaminster and Lyme Regis and attend each practice at least twice a week. The team can see patients at their medical surgery, at home or via a telephone or video call.

Social Prescribing is available at your GP Surgery

No Need for a referral, contact us directly to see if we can support you

  • Support with finances
  • Getting Active
  • Hobbies and Interests
  • Connecting to Community
  • Supporting wellbeing

Our current and future projects include

  • Improving access and support for unpaid carers
  • Proactive work with food poverty community organisations
  • Offering support to newly diagnosed cancer patients and helping people to access routine cancer screening
  • Support for people with diabetes, including group consultations sessions and support for pre-diabetics via the NDPP
  • Home monitoring for patients with hypertension
  • Support for patients with CVD including group consultations
  • Supporting isolated and lonely patients with a penfriend system in collaboration with Active Dorset as a part of their Active Trailblazer programme.
  • Supporting patients to improved their digital literacy and ability to access resources and home monitoring using digital tools.

The Social Prescribing and Care Coordinating Team

  • Social Prescribing Link Workers - Pauline Chart, Angharad Thomas, Sylvie Lord, Will Slocombe Morency, Kate Michell
  • Care Coordinators - Pauline Gardiner, Lucie Tappin, Peter Loizou (Digital)